INFO Canadian | Now in the JetFlix TV Library


INFO Canadian was the internal employee organ of Canadian Airlines International from the 1980s well into the 1990s.

It was published nearly every week for at least a 10 year period. This publication featured all sorts of airline news that was relevant to the staff of the day, including aircraft delivery news, route news, social functions within the company, union and government news, interesting news from aircraft manufacturers, as well as funny anecdotes from day to day work life at the company.

Henry Tenby acquired quite a number of these publications through various employees, and decided that they were worth scanning so they could be preserved for the viewing enjoyment for fans and enthusiasts in months and years ahead.

Several years of Info Canadian are now available for reading here within the library section of the JetFlix TV website and they’ll soon be added to the app for download reading as well.

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