Tagged: Russia

Model Moment with Henry Tenby – Russian Beauties Now Streams on JetFlix TV

Model Moment with Henry Tenby I Russian Beauties Part 2 Модели самолетов России и Советского Союза

Watch the teaser video above or CLICK HERE to join JetFlix TV for as little as $1.99/month and view the whole show. Как коллекционер, я стремлюсь приобрести профессиональные модели самолетов советских и советских времен, как показано в этом видео. Если у вас есть в продаже такие модели, напишите мне, комментируя это видео. Генри Тенби – …Read more »

Tandem Aero IL-18 Pleasure Flight for Aviation Fans from Chisnau Moldova – Now streaming on JetFlix TV

Tandem Aero IL-18 Pleasure Flight for Aviation Fans from Chisnau Moldova - Now streaming on JetFlix TV

Watch the teaser video above or CLICK HERE to join JetFlix TV for as little as $1.99/month and view the whole show. Today it is essentially impossible for the hard core aviation enthusiast to secure a flight in an IL-18. Back in September of 2010, a group of aviation flight hounds took part in a …Read more »