Tagged: IL-18

Model Moment with Henry Tenby – Russian Beauties Now Streams on JetFlix TV

Model Moment with Henry Tenby I Russian Beauties Part 2 Модели самолетов России и Советского Союза

Watch the teaser video above or CLICK HERE to join JetFlix TV for as little as $1.99/month and view the whole show. Как коллекционер, я стремлюсь приобрести профессиональные модели самолетов советских и советских времен, как показано в этом видео. Если у вас есть в продаже такие модели, напишите мне, комментируя это видео. Генри Тенби – …Read more »

Tandem Aero IL-18 Pleasure Flight for Aviation Fans from Chisnau Moldova – Now streaming on JetFlix TV

Tandem Aero IL-18 Pleasure Flight for Aviation Fans from Chisnau Moldova - Now streaming on JetFlix TV

Watch the teaser video above or CLICK HERE to join JetFlix TV for as little as $1.99/month and view the whole show. Today it is essentially impossible for the hard core aviation enthusiast to secure a flight in an IL-18. Back in September of 2010, a group of aviation flight hounds took part in a …Read more »

Sheremetyevo Moscow Airport Action Aeroflot IL-86 Tu-154 IL-18, Tu-134, IL-76 – Now on JetFlix TV

Sheremetyevo Moscow Airport Action Aeroflot IL-86 Tu-154 IL-18, Tu-134, IL-76 - Now on JetFlix TV

Between 1992 and 1994, Scott Henderson made several spotting trips to Moscow where he had the opportunity to film on the apron and from the famous observation deck on top of the main terminal building at Moscow Sheremetyevo. This was when Aeroflot was the dominant Russian airline, before it had largely split up into autonomous …Read more »